As a female photographer and filmmaker, I’ve spent a lifetime working in a male-dominated profession. Things have improved for women in the U.S. workforce over the past three decades but change has been slow and we still have a way to go in terms of equal pay and opportunities. Gender equality in the workplace is still a distant reality for many women.
Someday, female equality in the workplace will be common. But, right now that’s not the case in many professions. It’s no secret that women still face various forms of gender bias in the workforce. Equally-qualified women are getting the short end of the stick from both male and female managers in hiring, pay, performance evaluations, and promotions. But there’s hope. This past year has been a landmark one for women in the workplace. My hope is that this forward momentum continues.
What am I doing to help discrimination in the workplace?
It’s hard to create change.
I have found that the best way to create change is to show the change that I want to happen. In my case, that is through telling the stories of women who have gone against the odds and pursued careers that had been off-limits to them, only a short time ago. I am producing a film about these women who are working in professions that are traditionally dominated by men. To date, I’ve interviewed various women: a blimp pilot for Good Year, the Dean of Engineering at Cal Poly, an auto mechanic, an industrial drone photographer, and a Formula-E race car driver, to name a few. One woman, Natalie Jones, is a heavy-lift helicopter pilot who fights fires. Natalie’s short video profile went viral in a couple of days and has reached over a million people.
My goal is to change our U.S.culture’s consciousness about gender bias in the workforce and to empower women to pursue their dreams. I want to inspire women and young girls that anything is possible.
I believe the time is right for this message.
Call to Action: I am looking for women who are working in male-dominated professions such as computer programmers, pilots, firefighters, mechanics, CEO’s, architects, engineers, filmmakers, directors, sound designers, editors, and others.
If you know any women who are breaking barriers in a predominately male profession, please contact me: gail@kellymooney.com
We Need Your Support Today!
You can make a tax-deductible donation through our
fiscal sponsor, Art Without Limits
Make check out to Art Without Limits
(In memo specify: donation for Nola Productions - Like A Woman)
Send to 816 Chelham Way, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
or donate below
(for a donation of $200 or more you will get a credit in the film)
Our Mission
Our goal is to change the consciousness of our culture in the U.S., about gender bias and to achieve gender equality in the workforce.

Our Vision
Our vision is that women will receive equal pay and opportunities in the workforce.

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.