Female Equality in the Workforce
A 52 minute documentary film about women who are breaking barriers
and working in male - dominated professions.
Available now on DVD - $19.95 plus tax and shipping

Like A Woman
A film about women breaking barriers
in the workforce.
"If you can dream it, you can do it"
Natalie Jones, helicopter pilot
"Besides enjoying the film and getting to know all the women who were interviewed, I
genuinely felt like I learned something from watching it. I learned about so many industries
and careers I'd never heard of before. And so much of it made me think (or maybe rethink)
about how I present myself in my life and career. Like when so many of the interviewees
mentioned that being technically knowledgeable was important to breaking into their
industry...I think there was a lot of advice that can affect how I'll carry and comport myself
professionally in the future, which I really appreciated!
Overall I felt the film was empowering, visually stunning (loved the footage in the
mountains out west), and left me with hope for future generations of women embarking
out on their careers."
Francesca Pazniokas
Women And Girls